May 6, 2014

Tunes on Tuesday

Today's Tunes on Tuesday post is going to be a little different. I'm not going to go with one of my pre-determined topics because I'm still way too excited about the concert I went to Sunday night.

The opening act was a young lady named Victoria Duffield. I had never heard of her. I guess maybe I had heard the name, but I didn't know any of her songs. She wasn't horrible, but she didn't wow me at all either. She seemed like an odd choice to open up for the Backstreet Boys actually. Fifteen years ago she would have been a great choice, and I probably would have really enjoyed it.

The Backstreet Boys were awesome of course. Thanks to Brittany I had a floor seat less than ten rows back I would say. I get a little nervous on the floor since I'm so short but I had a great view. They did a good mix of their new songs with the old classics. The show had a ton of energy, but at the same time the guys seemed relaxed and like they were having a good time. (Maybe when you've been doing it for 21 years full stadiums of people screaming don't make you nervous anymore?)
My favourite song of the night was Show 'Em What Your Made Of. I enjoy it when I'm listening at home or in the car, but I absolutely loved it live.  
When they sang We've Got It Goin' On it totally brought me back. I remember falling in love with them watching the video on Much Music and I remember how excited I was getting their CD for Christmas that year.
And finally, I'm going to share an accapella version of my favourite song of the new album, Permanent Stain. (I prefer the album version but I thought this was kind of different.)
And even though this post is already a million miles long, here are some of  my favourite pictures from the night:
I only took my little camera, so the pictures aren't awesome. I wanted to spend less time taking pictures and more time enjoying the concert though, and it worked. I don't feel like I watched the entire concert through the screen of my camera, but I do feel like I got some good shots to help me remember the night.
What's the best concert experience you've ever had? Is there anyone you'd really like to see live that you haven't?

1 comment:

  1. Love this post but really how couldn't I? I'm so happy you got to come with me again! I had even said to Erica it is going to be weird not going with Sara this time and bam fate had other plans! Glad you had a great time and I did the same thing I tried not to watch the concert through my camera and I have to say I didn't either but got some good shots! Can't wait till they come back!
